Our Services

Our Services

Bucket Overflowing

Is your bucket overflowing? Let’s say your body is a bucket and all the stressors in your life are drops of water in the bucket. As you go through life and experience more and more stressors eventually your bucket can overflow.

When this happens, sometimes something small and insignificant can be like the straw that broke the camel’s back. This then translates to things like a chronic disease, autoimmune condition, or another inflammatory condition. At Lighthouse we work on removing these stressors, getting to the root cause of your condition, and teaching you how to support your body so it can heal from the inside out. See how we do that below!

Ready to feel better?

Our unique combination of care and our customized plans allow us to understand your health goals and light your path to wellness. We’re dedicated to transforming lives, and equipping you to impact future generations!

Chiropractic Care

At Lighthouse one of our main goals is to deliver custom chiropractic tailored to what your body needs. Your body deserves more than a “cookie-cutter” adjustment! Our doctors are highly trained in a variety of chiropractic techniques from full body and extremities to upper cervical specific chiropractic.

We offer all our services for pediatrics, prenatal, and the entire family!

If you are not a fan of the cracking and popping noises that you may associate with chiropractic, our doctors are also trained in several “low-force” techniques that are very gentle and do not cause these noises.

Functional Medicine

One of the few things that all healthcare professionals agree on is that inflammation is the cause of a large amount of chronic diseases. At Lighthouse we realize that inflammation is caused by three types of stressors on the body: physical, mental, and toxic. Our team is determined to find the root of your stressors, eliminate them, and help you regain control of your health.

One of the main ways we do this is through functional medicine. We do objective testing, go through the results side by side with you, and give you recommendations for how to support your body with the resources it needs to heal itself. Your body was not meant to fail.

Some of the things we help support:

Hormones, thyroid, autoimmune conditions, skin conditions, anxiety, mood disorders, weight loss, digestion issues, weakened immune system, etc.

Other Therapeutic Services

In addition to chiropractic and functional medicine care, we offer other services in our office to help you recover and heal faster depending on what health issues you are dealing with. 

Currently we offer the following: 

  1. Concussion Prevention Technology (Award Winning Neck Strengthening Device)
  2. Deep Laser Therapy (AKA Class IV Laser Therapy)
  3. Vibration Plate Therapy
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