Functional Medicine Process

Functional Medicine Process

Your First Visit to Lighthouse Chiropractic

Leave your stress and worries at the door. This is a no pressure environment and we are here for you! At Lighthouse, we are transparent about realistic expectations, costs, and processes. When you step through our doors we want you to feel comfortable and at home, like family.

Here's what to expect at every stage of the Functional Medicine Plan process:

New Patient Appointment:

Doctor writing on a sheet
Image on spine and nervous system on an ipad with doctor holding ipad - Lighthouse Chiropractic and Wellness


At Lighthouse, we realize that the body is an interconnected system. During your first visit we take this into consideration as we go through an in-depth history looking for the root cause of your condition. It may stem from any combination of physical stressors, emotional stressors, or toxic stressors in your daily environment. During this time your doctor will review any previous lab results* you have. With all of the information gathered and your health goals in mind, our doctors may recommend additional testing. 

*If you have any previous lab results, please send us all these forms prior to your first visit so our doctors have time to review them before your first appointment.


We utilize advanced technology to assess nervous system function in our office. These neurological scans show us unhealthy stress patterns that affect the performance of the entire nervous system. When there is stress and inflammation on the nervous system and spine, it leads to many different health issues. These scans are essential in tracking improvements in spinal health and nervous system function while under our care. They are not invasive and they don’t emit radiation. If indicated, our doctors may refer for x-ray or advanced imaging.

Report of Findings and Care Recommendations:

At this visit, we will sit down and connect the dots between your case history, exam, and neurological scans. We will explain how physical stress may be tied into the symptoms you’ve been experiencing. Then, we will give recommendations on how you can start getting your health back. At Lighthouse our doctors specialize in combining functional medicine with chiropractic. Therefore, based on your findings and case history gathered during the first appointment, we may recommend chiropractic care in addition to functional medicine. From there, you get to decide how you would like to proceed with care.

Test Read Appointment:

*This appointment applies to those who order testing through us*

During this visit one of our doctors will sit down with you and walk you through a detailed explanation of your test results, line by line. They will explain how your test results are connected to what you’ve been experiencing. Next, they will give recommendations including one or more of the following: targeted supplementation, nutritional advice, lifestyle modifications, breathing exercises, meditation, etc. After that, we will go over the care options and finances and then you get to be in the driver’s seat to decide how you would like to proceed.

Ongoing Care Options:


Our acute functional medicine care involves a monthly health consult, guided healthcare management for issues that arise in life, and a monthly chiropractic adjustment. If you are looking for a natural approach to acute issues, this is it! Our care involves a 100% natural approach and a holistic-minded lens. Health consults are 30 minutes long and our adjustments are 5-10 minutes. During the health consult your doctor will focus on the topic of your choice! If there is anything you are struggling with or need advice for, they are here to help. They’ll offer guidance, possible supplementation/herbs, and other natural remedies to support the body’s healing process. 


Our restorative care involves a structured care plan for those struggling with a serious and/or chronic condition. This care revolves around objective testing, targeted herbs/supplementation based on that testing, and lifestyle changes. Standard follow-up appointments last 30 minutes. During this time your doctor will check in on your progress, give you continued guidance/tips, and make changes to your supplementation schedule and/or other areas of your care plan as needed. Our restorative care plans last anywhere from 90 days to one year and typically our doctors recommend re-testing after about 3-6 months to assess how your body is adapting objectively.

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